
Welcome to The Hemel Hempstead School Sixth Form!

Life in HHS Sixth Form is stimulating, challenging and rewarding. The learning environment is vibrant with a strong sense of community. We are proud to offer a broad curriculum to the Sixth Form including traditional A Level courses and a range of applied qualifications. Our teachers are committed to supporting the academic success of all students, guiding them to unlocking their full potential and recognising their passions within their discipline. 

Our Sixth Form students are highly valued members of the school. We offer a range of Leadership opportunities for our students so that they can drive positive change in our community alongside developing the transferable skills that they will need for their future careers.

Each year we elect a new pair of Head Students and Deputy Head Students from our Year 13 cohort as well as a Sixth Form Executive Committee. In recent years our Student Leadership Team have made significant changes to our uniform policy, use of mobile phones and sustainability. 

Our Sixth Form students also take a leading role in The Hemel Hempstead Experience (HHEX). The HHEx is what is unique and special about being at our school. It aims to establish a culture of consistently high expectations where all students benefit from the wide range of opportunities and events on offer inside and outside the classroom. 

Sixth Form Students can apply to be House Captains, organising Music, Dance and Drama festivals every year as well as our highly popular House Sports Tournaments. As well as competitive events, our students support the school community by organising charity fundraising activities, such as our annual Mistletoe Day, and act as prefects and mentors for younger students. 

Our Heads of Year and Pastoral Manager work alongside our team of form tutors to support students in developing the skills that they need to achieve their fullest potential in their academic studies as well as preparing for life after Further Education. We do this through a carefully tailored Tutor Time schedule which is delivered by our skilled tutor team. We are also very grateful to  have a plethora of external speakers, including Members of Parliament, University representatives and industry professionals, who deliver engaging lectures throughout the academic year.

We believe that a Sixth Form education should develop the whole person, not just the academic, and that by holding students to a high standard, as well as offering them a wealth of extracurricular opportunities and high quality teaching, we can support them in becoming future leaders who can be and not just seem to be.

Ms Jevon (Head of Year 12) and Mrs Leita (Head of Year 13)

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